For the past few days, due to severe procrastination and the fact Summer Brown sent me a box of the finest cosmetics the various CVS locations in Houston has to offer, I've spent my mornings playing with makeup. Okay, it's only been twice, but to me, that's a lot. So for today at least I'm not born with it, it's just Maybelline. I have to say I prefer my natural look, even if it means pimples, warts and all. Still, the care package rocked and all my friends are jealous, though I did share my chocolates (thanks, Liv).
Also, I've discovered rugby. As in, I've watched two games. There's lots of hitting. I think I like it. My friend Anna and I went out for tea and bread pudding (the Dail makes the BEST bread pudding) and ran into some English men watching a rugby game. After their unsuccesful attempt to get us to share our dessert, they continued to chat with us and I managed to learn a bit about rugby. That I won't go into here because it might bore people and I'm not sure I'd get it right. There's lots of hitting in rugby. I think I like it.
In other news, classes are going well and picking up in the amount of work I need to do. Scriptwriting is great and I really like our instructor. For non fiction, I'm going to do my project on Kathleen Kennedy, so I'm pretty excited about that. It's so strange to think that I've been over here since September. I feel as though time has flown and there's so much left to do! So much goes on that when I start to write a new post, it promptly goes out of my head, but rest assured, life is good and I'm quite content with my lot at the moment. Keep sending me love notes!
I'm off to do a bit of reading.