Friday, April 29, 2011

Allison Abroad: Windsor Style

At 3 a.m. this morning, I went to bed after baking scones and bread. I got up at 9 a.m. to prepare last minute details and wait for the arrival of my guests to my Royal Wedding Brunch. Wills and Kate are married, the dress was gorgeous, it was all lovely and beautiful BUT here are my thoughts, because you know I have them. Sometimes.

1) The real reason I watched the wedding= Chelsy Davy. Harry's on/off again girlfriend. Supposedly, she had two dresses designed just for her. As of this post, I've only seen her in the first and gah! Was not flattering. In fact, dare I say that I pull of royal better than Ms. Davy? Harry take note. Now, don't get me wrong, I think Chelsy would be great craic (as they say over here), but if this next outfit turns out awful, I'm declaring her unfit and moving in earlier than expected (rather than waiting for them to self-destruct again).

2) Grace Van Cutsem. She's a bridesmaid at three years old and was not amused by the crowd. Her covering her ears with Kate and Wills kissing in the background is a priceless photo.

3) Does anyone else think Kate's brother is a bit of a punk? How can someone look so smug. Dude, you make your money selling cake kits. You are no Harry that's for sure.

4) Zara Phillips looked great! She and Mike (Tindall) looked so happy!

5) Beatrice and Eugenie. Oh dear. Beatrice looks great these days and is definitely dressing better but what is with these sisters and their horrible taste in hats? Look, I know they were Philip Treacy, but honestly? Plenty of other women had hats designed by him and they were perfectly stunning. How do you pick out something like that and say, 'I can't live without that'? Keep trying (and Eugenie, you're adorable but can you 1) wear clothes that flatter and 2) smile? It goes a long way).

6) The Queen. As the guests all sang 'God Save the Queen', I wonder if she thought, 'Thank you' or 'That's right, suckers'

7) As you know, I've not always been a Kate fan but I have to say she worked hard at winning me over by asking William if he was okay in the carriage and the 'oh wow' comment as she walked out onto the Buckingham Palace balcony.

8) Speaking of lip reading, how lovely was William when Kate and her father got to the altar? But the best William moment was on the balcony before the second kiss. As he leaned in, he asked, 'One more?' That went a long way to redeem the first kiss that shouldn't even count as a kiss because it lasted all of two seconds.

9)Who thought it would be a good idea for Ann Curry to wear a hot pink sheath with hot pink wellies? Did she think anyone would take her seriously? Love how all the English presenters kept asking what Americans think about royal family members and when they asked about Camilla, Ann started talking about Diana. No one picked up on that AT ALL.

10) Let's face it. Kate might be a commoner but she is one ridiculously wealthy one. This whole rags to riches story isn't exactly true. She is not really one of 'us', but that's okay. She looks like a Disney princess.

11) Fun game of the day: Take your grandmother's name and pair it with your pet's name and then the name of your town. Voila, your royal name!

Honestly, the whole argument over whether people should care about this wedding or not is, to me, not an issue. It's entertainment and it's lavish and it's fascinating. To me. But other people think that about reality t.v., so to each their own. Just enjoy it. And if you can't, don't watch. And that's all I have to say about that.

Now, I'm off to plot my wedding to Prince Harry (Obamas definitely invited, as well as Jeff Bridges) or my 2024 Presidential campaign. Whichever comes first...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Oh! The Places You Go!

I am not afraid to admit that I have a problem with procrastination. I'm also unafraid to confess that this has gotten worse as I've gotten older. So, this post comes to you as an attempt to exhaust every possible avenue before working on my feature film treatment. It helps that there have been adventures of late in the land of ire (oh wow, that could take on a totally different meaning!)

This morning is overcast but not dark. It reminds me of summers at home in the mornings right before the humidity sets in and the sun burns the clouds away and you sit at the pool miserable but not wanting to admit it, then finally give up into the ridiculously chilliness of a/c. Except that doesn't really happen here. It's not cold at the moment, but it's cool and it will most likely rain within the hour. Still, due to a wet dog smell invasion of my drawers and closet, I have my clothes hanging outside in hopes that the breeze will air away all smell. I'm going shopping today with Orla and Amanda so will pick up lavender sachets to fight this battle with me. Also on the shopping list, and brace yourself, is a swimsuit. For the first time, I believe I'm going to buy a two piece, not just to wear in my yard, but to wear in public, with people. It's a big step but I figure if old, fat, french woman can go topless, I can wear a two piece. Where will I wear this you ask? ITALY. Duh. Once I finish my schoolwork, I'm figuring out where I'm going to stay in the land of pasta, gelato and men who don't feel guilty about still living with their mother.

This Wednesday, I took off with Kate to Dublin. She was nominated at the Student Media Awards (the Smedias, if you will). I figured, 'Why not? This will be an adventure.' I had suspected this, but it seems that girls are no longer required to wear pants or comb their hair and orange is an acceptable skin tone? Also, I still severely dislike fast talking media people who like to call themselves journalists or whatever they go by these days. You know how becoming a gym coach used to be synonymous with not growing up (or maybe it still is, I don't know)? Well, if you never want to grow up and refuse to believe you're 45 instead of 18, get a job as a 'journalist'. That was a little harsh, but holy cow. In short, Kate and I found two other normal people ( a whole TWO), got our free Bavaria and watched the ceremony in open mouthed dismay (maybe that was just me). In reality, I got through the evening by pretending I was at the Oscars and practicing my polite and attentive yet aloof camera face. I am being completely serious. BUT, despite the awards show, Kate and I had a great time hanging out with her friends in St. Stephen's Green. Have I mentioned the past two weeks have been sunny for the most part? Any day now that will end.

The rest of the week I spent procrastinating/cleaning/taking walks. Oh! and I signed up for a yoga class! It's an intermediate one which I was a bit worried about, but I figured Kate would be there with me so I wasn't all alone. With the exception of two things we did in the first class, I was fine, yes! My lack of coordination is a real hindrance but we shall overcome! I may also not be able to really move that well two days after but I can only take this as a good sign. Maybe one day I will be able to contort my body into a pretzel while balancing on one arm. This is what I strive for, this and an Oscar for life. Like Jenna in 30 Rock says, "There should be an Emmy for living theatrically". Speaking of 30 Rock, should any of you readers want something better to read, Tina Fey has a book out! 'Bossypants'. It looks absolutely amazing. Also, if any of you readers should happen to be my mother, it would make an excellent birthday gift or even a 'wow, I'm so glad you exist' gift. For now, I'm off to write (very slowly) part of my treatment. I leave you with this quote (Tina Fey in response to a hate letter): "To call me an overrated troll, when you have never seen me guard a bridge, is patently unfair." Happy Saturday!