Monday, October 11, 2010

Yes, I'm Still Alive

I know it's been a week since my last post. I promise nothing that exciting has happened. The first semester is halfway over and it feels like I just got here. There's so much left to be done! And here I wasted my weekend sleeping and doing nothing in particular. We have our second meetings with Eva on Thursday, so that's something to look forward to I hope. This afternoon consists of writing a story for Fiction class, doing a little poetry work and enjoying the sunshine and lack of really strong wind. It might also involve a bit of sleep, cleaning up around the place and cooking dinner. See what I mean about exciting?

Nonetheless, I'm having fun and I'm really glad I'm here (especially when it's not raining). I hope I'm learning something as well. And speaking of that, I'm going to write for class now. I promise adventures will be forthcoming!


  1. I'm glad to hear things are going grandly for you over there...of course I'm not surprised in the least :) Your life sounds perfectly blissful to me, to be honest. Oh, and by the way, I went to what I thought was your blog, but I typed in and's NOT you, haha!
